The Hoxie House

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The Hoxie House, in Sandwich, Massachusetts, was built in 1675 and is one of the oldest homes on Cape Cod. This salt box style home is a popular style still being built in the New England area. It was acquired by the town in the 1950”s, still with no electricity, central heating or plumbing. It has been restored, and is now a museum open to the public. It is named after the whaling captain Abraham Hoxie who acquired the home in the mid 1800’s. Very well known at the time, he commanded more than a dozen ships. The home was originally owned by Reverend John Smith, who lived there with his wife Susanna and their 13 children.

This is one of my earlier oil paintings, done when I was doing work that was more representational than I am doing now. I do still like this style work, and have always liked old homes and architecture generally. Many of my paintings feature unusual or distinct homes, more often small homes rather than large grand ones. My interest in unusual small homes, antique homes, and especially owner built homes, was what led me to paint this house, and was also what guided me in the buildings I built, starting with my stone glassblowing studio.


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