George Watson Watson Studio
Over the years I’ve worked making all sorts of art, paintings, stained glass, fused glass, blown glass, and pottery. I’ve also designed and built some of my studios as well as the gardens surrounding them. This has all progressed one step at a time through the years, and as it was all happening I didn’t really take notice of any of it as parts of a whole (life). I’m using this new website as an opportunity to do that, to gather things together in one place.
At this later stage in life, I’m beginning to reflect back a bit, which I guess is just a normal part of what one does at this age. I built my first studio of stone and developed the gardens over a period of 38 years. After moving from there, I had a studio in a store space that was built in 1901. It had served through the years as a car dealer, bakery, meat market, variety store and sandwich shop. From there, I moved out of state where I worked from home for a couple of years before finding a nice studio building to work in a little distance from home. This was previously another retail space that had served as a loan office and other things, most recently an architects office. They (the architect and her husband, a builder) had done a beautiful rehab of the building so that there was little needing to be done other than building benches, shelves and storage. New paint and my new studio was ready to begin setting up my current studio.
With each move, a massive amount had to be moved. Well over a hundred boxes of finished work in glass and pottery. There were paintings, equipment, kilns, a small glass furnace, all sorts of tools and art making supplies, thousands of pounds of stained glass, antique glass, glass cullet and all sorts of glass components, 3 pinball machines, a large candy machine from the 1940”s, display cases, hundreds of books, even a granite lawn roller from the 1700’s, and much, much more (mostly all heavy stuff), besides all the household furniture and “stuff”. It was quite a big move, multiple times. This, along with setting up anew each time, took a great deal of my time and energy, although I didn’t really think about it then. Still creating art along the way, developing new gardens, and doing all that I was doing left certain things ignored, or, if not ignored, at least not done. One of those things not being done was creating and spending time properly developing a new website. Well, here I am with a little breathing space to finally get to it. I will be sharing my work in art, gardening, and building, along with some of my ideas and thoughts while this new site develops into a proper, complete website.
AT THE TOP: THE MENU - What to find Where
“SHOP” will show some of the work I offer here.
“RETROSPECTIVE” photos of work, buildings, gardens, and photos of other odd but I hope interesting things. In random order, everything mixed in together to be fun to look at.
“PORTFOLIO” photos of some of my work organized into categories
“ABOUT” this page where you are now
“JOURNAL” my blog posts and odd writings, only a few at the present moment, but added to regularly I hope.
“CONTACT” How to reach me by email. glassartist70@hotmail.com