My New Studio Building
This is the my new studio building after getting it in shape.
I’ve finally found the perfect building for my new art studio. I have been looking in the Bluffton area for 2 years with no luck finding something suitable that I could afford. Thinking it was time to expand my search, I drove out exploring the surrounding areas. The drive into Ridgeland (S.C.) proved very rewarding, it is a beautiful little town with all the original downtown buildings. The landscaping throughout the town is lovely, and there is a great feel to this quiet little town, a perfect spot for creating art. Circling around the town, I encountered this gem of a building just a block from downtown, and was excited to see the for sale signs out front. I parked to get out and walk around a bit, examining the building from the outside and taking a peek into the windows. It is in great condition, inside and out. I was later to learn that the current owner/occupant of the building, an architect, had totally rehabbed the building when she acquired it, and she kept it looking as nice as the day she completed the renovations. I have never seen an old building in such nice shape.
I decided to walk around a bit, and right across the street there is a small town common with gazebo, nicely planted, and right beside a railroad crossing. The freight trains come through a number of times a day, which I now find to be a huge plus to the view from the windows and overall ambiance/experience of the location. I walked the town, up and down the streets surrounding the town, and as I walked, I became more and more excited that everything about this was just right. It was as if I was led here. I walked back and called the realtor who was able to come out to meet me the same day. A very pleasant and friendly man who grew up in Ridgeland, we hit it right off and we sat and talked a bit, I made an offer, he called the owner who came right over (another wonderful person who was very down to earth and easy to talk to), and we agreed on terms within 10 minutes or so. One of the terms which I was happy to agree to was a leaseback to her so she could have time to arrange her move, which brought me to now, where I am finally in the building and doing a few things to make it appropriate for my use, a working studio with some display space for people to be able to come in to see the work. The space feels great, and so far it seems as close to perfect as possible.